Manas establishment

Tourists and locals believe that Kyrgyzstan is a very beautiful country with a rich history and attractions, and there are many historical places in the country that are of great importance, and we have a place called the Manas complex. It is located 22 km from Talas and is very interesting for its views, and you can also visit it during tours of Kyrgyzstan in Tash-Aryk.

You can find out on tours in Kyrgyzstan that the complex is also called "Manas-Ordo", and its total area is about 2.25 km2. You will be able to rent a car for tours in Kyrgyzstan and enjoy the trip as well as see the incredible nature, enjoy the beautiful scenery and also learn about the territory of the cmplex and the main character of Manas. In the comlpex itself there is a gumbez, which is also intended for other heroes of the country.

If you want to go on a tour of Kyrgyzstan, we offer guests of the country to rent a car and find out that the complex was created back in 1334, and according to another legend, the daughter of the Emir Abuki was buried here. Around the complex there are stone statues to protect the complex wars of balbals.